Monday, June 9, 2014

God doesn't always keep his word

!!!!!!!!! in progress

Nevermind that god is a known deceiver:
  • God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate the fruit and they didn't. In fact, it is Satan who is the more truthful during this episode. He was being honest when he told Eve that god was just trying to limit them and keep them in the dark. That turned out to be true. It was god who was lying about how eating the fruit would kill them. Christians fend this off by arguing that they died a spiritual death (clearly an ad-hoc attempt to recover). Unfortunately for them, there are dozens of other references in the old testament to quickly dying as a consequence of some act or the other, and it always means a physical death, not a spiritual.
  • , God told Abraham to kill Issac, and then stopped him at the last minute. The standard Christian response is that he was doing this for a good reason (to test Abraham's faith). But still it was a deception on a very important issue - the life of the man's son!
  • He planted a "deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets", and in the new testament, "sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie").
* tbd - god deceives. reasonable doubts. Minute 41:00 of episode 121 (11/5/2013) Devine Deception. quote from Origin about how god deceives us for our own good. So, we really can't be sure when he is being straight with us. In fact, he may be deceiving about heaven and hell and salvation. He did lie to some people to harden their hearts to his message so they would not be saved, so we already knows he is devious regarding the salvation message. Origen, an Third century Christian theologian, along with Augustine, had a major influence on the development of modern Christianity and in many ways bears partial responsibility for many current conventional views in Christianity. He introduced or clarified ideas such as the pre-existence of souls, the relationship between Jesus and God, and other church dogma. He wrote in "The Fathers of the Church", "We are all children to God, and we need the discipline of children. Because of this, God, since he cares about us, deceives us, even if we do not perceive the deceit"

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